Our resolution for the new year is to make an effort to learn about companies committed to making their products in the US and share them here every week. We want to make it easier for you to buy American.
To that end, we've added a place on the right hand of our website where you can sign up for email updates from USA Love List. If you are joining us in our resolution and want exclusive access to the deals, coupon codes and sale announcements offered to our readers, we've got you covered in the new year. If you are part of a company making American-made products and you want to know how to connect with USA Love List readers, we have an update list for you too. Also feel free to sign up for both. We promise not to email too often, but to deliver exclusive opportunities based on your interests.
Along the same lines, we'd like to kick off the new year by suggesting three things NOT to do in 2012:
DON'T buy too much stuff — Part of reducing our consumption of foreign-made products involves reducing our consumption of stuff in general. Just because something is a “good deal” doesn't mean you need it or even want it.
DON'T buy goods of poor quality — So many of the companies making products in America have expressed an interest in saving American jobs, but also in returning to higher quality products. When consumers choose quality over quantity, they are sending an important message.
DON'T buy things without at least looking for the country of origin — It would be nice if we could only buy American-made products, but at this point, that's not always realistic. But this year, let's try not buying anything without finding out where it came from first. Becoming informed is the first step and you may notice some trends or find that it influences your purchasing decisions. That's a great start!
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