When people from Idaho introduce themselves to a national audience they get a lot of “Oh yeah, I know where Iowa is! No? Ohio? No? Wait, did you say Idaho? Potatoes!” Well, we might not be the most well-known (for anything besides a starchy vegetable) of the 50, but this landlocked state is making a splash with some wonderful homegrown products made in Idaho.
As you can tell from this list, Idahoans love a sweet treat, and we care about keeping our state beautiful, which is why so many Idaho companies focus on natural ingredients, sustainable businesses and manufacturing practices, and recycled materials.
Made in Idaho
Delight Naturals: Lip and Beard Care Products
Delight Naturals balms and products were created to sooth and nourish dry lips and skin in Idaho's harsh winters. The lip balms are made with high-quality food grade natural ingredients. They smell and taste amazing! There are unique lip balms- pickle, bacon, wine, cocktail, baked goods, coffee, and more!
Voyageur is Delight Naturals line of natural beard and mustache products. Items include mustache wax, beard oil, and beard balm in scented and unscented.
Shop the Delight Naturals website and:
Delight Naturals Voyageur beard care products are featured in our post American Made Beard Care Products: Nurturing Your Facial Mane to Perfection
LIt & Co Candles
Lit & Co.'s soy candles burn cleaner than standard paraffin candles, which means no carbon soot on you walls and cleaner air to breathe. The candles’ fragrance comes from natural botanical oils in a couple dozen sweet and savory scents such as fresh herbs, spiced peach, wedding cake, chai tea, garden tomato, and many more. The 8 oz. candles provide 45 hours of burn time, and they come in glass or tin containers that can be refilled to reduce waste. Lit & Co. also offers candles poured into green glass, recycled from wine bottles. The recycled glass containers come from an Idaho non-profit called Usful Glassworks, which upcycles glass from Boise area restaurants, bars, and residents.
Lit & Co Candles are featured in our list of American Made Candles.
Just Like Jane Soaps
Just Like Jane soaps are natural and handmade via the cold pressed method of soap making. Not only do Just Like Jane soaps smell amazing, but the packaging is just beautiful! Just Like Jane also offers beard care items, lotions, cremes, nail products and more.
Shop the Just Like Jane website and:
Balmshot “Loaded with Lip Balm…Not Buckshot,” is the company’s slogan. Only in Idaho, right? Well, while this lip balm manufacturer packs balm made with beeswax, natural oils, and FDA approved sunscreen into a shotgun shell dispenser in its Boise factory, national retailers such as Walgreens, and Bed, Bath & Beyond are carrying these nicely designed lip balm. The product’s creator, Wayne S. Forrey, came up with the idea after contracting cancer on his lips, which doctors contributed to frequent sunburns on the otherwise healthy outdoorsman’s lips. Forrey disliked how standard lip balm tubes would twist in his pocket causing the cap to come off, so he came up with the idea of using the smooth metal base of a shotgun shell instead of the standard knurled disk. Hey, if it gets our manly outdoor enthusiasts to protect their lips from harmful UV rays, who are we to judge?
Shop the Balmshot website and:
Balmshot is featured in our list of Best Non Toxic Lipsticks, Lip Glosses, and Lip Balms- All Made in USA
Idaho Spud Bar
We couldn’t complete this list without something potato. This isn’t exactly the kind Idaho is famous for, but it’s close. The Idaho Spud Bar is a potato shaped (but contains no potato!), chocolaty marshmallow treat, sprinkled with coconut. Idaho Candy Co. began in 1901 and has been making this famous candy bar trademarked under the Owyhee name since 1918. The company has been operating out of the same warehouse since 1909 and is responsible for other sugary delights such as the Old Faithful Peanut Cluster, Cherry Cocktail candy bar, and most recently, the Huckleberry Gem, which makes use of the state fruit of Idaho.
Shop the Idaho Spud website and:
- Amazon
- Walmart.com
Idaho Candy Co. is featured in our list of Candy Made in the USA.
Camille Beckman Hand Cream
Camille Beckman produces one of the top selling hand creams available online. With a formula that incorporates rose buds and other natural ingredients, they are dedicated to making high quality beauty products at an affordable price.
Shop the Camille Beckman website and:
Bigelow Tea
Bigelow Tea started blending tea in the USA in 1945 in Connecticut. In 1983 Bigelow Tea opened a 60,000 square foot facility in Boise where the blended tea is bagged and tagged.
Shop the Bigelow Tea website and:
Sawtooth Pellet Grills
Sawtooth Pellet Grills are made in Boise, Idaho. They come in 4 different styles.
Sawtooth is featured in our list of Made in the USA Grills: Charcoal,Gas, Pellet, Ceramic, Smokers and More
Wagner Idaho Mustard
Wagner's Idaho Mustard is patterned after the German style of whole-grain mustard. Wagner's mustard is available in 10 flavors- all of which are made in Idaho in small batches from Idaho grown mustard seed. All Wagner's mustard flavors are made with natural, GMO free ingredients.
Shop Wagner's Idaho
The Leather Works Slippers
The Leather Works store in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is owned by Mark and Mary Rogers. They sell high quality leather goods, including their own made in USA sheepskin slippers for men, women, and kids.
Leather Works slippers are featured in our list of Made in USA Slippers for Men, Women, and Kids.
Potting Shed Creations, LTD Garden-in-a-Bag
If you like plants, but don't have room for a garden, then Potting Shed Creations Garden-in-a-Bag products are for you. There are so many plants to choose from! Potting Shed Creations, LTD is located in a 1970s renovated renovated elementary school in northern Idaho.
This list was originally written in 2013 by Alicia Vanderschuere the founder of rosieMADE, an online store that offers inspired, quality made in USA gifts, that tell a unique story. It has been edited and updated since by Tracey Hanson.
Have you visited our Made in USA Shopping District? It is the place to start your shopping when you want to find the best of American-made.
We are welcoming guest post submissions on the topic of The Top 10 Things Made in My Home State. Contact us for submission guidelines.
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Wow, I had no idea Idaho had so many amazing locally made products! Love supporting small businesses, and this list is a fantastic resource. Definitely checking out some of these!
Thank you for the list. I am a woman. Now I know which products to avoid buying.
Also just so everyone knows south Idaho make the rules for the whole state even though they have completely different view in north idaho
Wolves are an umbrella predator. Besides their majestic beauty, intelligence and family orientation, they are vital to healthy ecosystems as well as healthy wildlife they co- habitat the wilderness with.
And its not just that Idaho wants to wipe out 90% of wolves within their state, its also the cruel, evil, monstrous ways they want and are going about it.
It is hate, greed and the ignorant that listen to the fairy tales and lies that is so destructive of our world.
Thanks! I am sure my Idaho project will be done!
I had no idea there was so much chocolate coming out of Idaho. I’d like to try all of those!
Its nice to see some of what we in Idaho have to offer. I would like to see more products to choose from. I love well done crafted products. Looking to start my own line soon I hope. Would like to advertise at this site if possible.
i have to say thnx cuz i have a project and this had some of the answers.
those sunglasses from proof are so cute
I will not be buying anything from the state of Idaho…I will not support wolf killers or animal abusers.
Completely agree. No potatoes, no chocolate, no paper products, nothing!!! If it says product of Idaho, it is as dead to me as the wolves they have slaughtered and continue to slaughter. Horrible mistake Idaho. Don’t bother saying your sorry. I will only entertain an apology when it is unmistakably clear that the consequences of your actions have made you sorry.
We are NOT ALL Wolf Killers and Animal Abusers in Idaho…I am sure you have your share of killers in your OWN STATE….Just saying
Here here
When the federal gov’t places non-native predators in your state, then you can judge us.
Such an ole repetitive excuse and ignorant statement. Humans put boundary lines between states and countries not wildlife. Gray wolf genus/dna same whether they are in or from Canada or U.S. and whether they were REintroduced or migrated.
Open your mind and also your heart.
And actual it was the timber wolf who was native to Idaho not the gray wolf which is a huge difference. The timber wolf was not a large pack animal normal only small family groups no more than 5 the grey wolves pack have been seen at over 30 and they out weigh the timber wolf by over 100lbs
You should probably refrain from buying anything, period. Everywhere you go you will find animals killers of some kind, whether it be slaughter houses for cattle and buffalo or chicken farms, etc. In two months, let me know how it’s going living off of sunbeams, rainbows and positive chakra energy. They say if you raise your vibrations, you get crystalline DNA and you don’t need any sustenance after that. Just throwing that out there.
I guess you will have to stop buying stuff from all states as animal abusers are in every state. You cannot blame the ranchers for protecting their herds. Also I guess you have never seen a wolf kill and maim elk and leave them to die!!!
We love Miss Courageous! She always has a booth at BAM’s Art in the Park. It is always fun to see what cool new items she will create.
This is a great blog post! Thank you
this website gave me lots of information on Idaho and it`s manufactured goods. thank you sincerely your Idaho blogpost lover.
The Rosie Made chocolate sounds amazing!!
I think you mean Boise