Can you believe that there are products still made in the USA today, that were made here before the United States of America even existed? The oldest American made products are treasures of our manufacturing history and a testament to American made quality. The editors at USA Love List went hunting for companies that have manufactured their products in America for over one hundred years. Some have been around even longer!

Made in USA for Over 100 Years: The Oldest American Manufacturers & Products

Laird & Company

Laird & Company became the first licensed distillery in America in 1780. Abraham Lincoln served Applejacks‘cider spirits' at a tavern he co-owned in Illinois. Laird & Company is located in New Jersey.

Hendrick Manufacturing

Hendrick Manufacturingfounded in 1876, is a leading manufacturer of perforated and fabricated metal products for commercial and industrial uses.

Narragansett Beer

Narragansett Beer was the number one beer in New England from its founding in 1890 to the 1970s. Today, Narragansett Beer is still American made and is working hard to get that top spot back. My grandfather worked at the brewery in Rhode Island in the 60s.

Moore Push Pin Co. 

Moore Push Pin Co. was incorporated in 1904 as a manufacturer of push pins, map tacks and wall tacks. Found on Amazon!!

Madame C.J. Walker Mfg. Co. 

Madame C.J. Walker Mfg. Co.  was incorporated in 1911 as a manufacturer of scalp and hair care products for African American women. Company founder and product inventor Sarah Breedlove, also known as Madame C.J. Walker, became the first female self made millionairess in America. The Madam C.J Walker legacy is being carried on with a new line of MCJW hair products that are soon to be launched at Sephora.

Have you visited our Made in USA Shopping District? It is the place to start your shopping when you want to find the best of American-made.


What Does the Made in the USA Label Mean? Your Questions Answered.
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Oldest 'Made in USA' products | These companies prove that manufacturing products in the USA is possible!

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